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                                       Details for article 5 of 9 found articles
  Can Psychoanalysis be a Science?
Title: Can Psychoanalysis be a Science?
Author: Zaphiropoulos, Miltiades L.
Appeared in: International forum of psychoanalysis
Paging: Volume 10 (2001) nr. 2 pages 163-169
Year: 2001-05-01
Contents: This essay proposes to examine a limited number of critical assessments regarding the scientific status of psychoanalysis with reference to intents and purposes, claims and disclaimers, contrasting views of what constitutes a science and the nature of scientific thinking and how these might apply to psychoanalysis epistemologically. It assumes a certain degree of familiarity with criticisms that have been leveled against psychoanalysis from those who insist on absolutist testing for what some call true science, particularly on the part of those who are not practitioners of the art. It wonders about the concern with scientizing by those who actually practice it, or value it in some way or another. It suggests an open minded approach without premature or even warranted closure on the subject of human beings and of ways of getting to know them, let alone understanding them and perhaps being of help to them.
Publisher: Routledge
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 5 of 9 found articles
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