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  A Response to Gru¨nbaum?s ?A Century of Psychoanalysis Critical Retrospect and Prospect? (and other texts): Requiem or Reveille?
Titel: A Response to Gru¨nbaum?s ?A Century of Psychoanalysis Critical Retrospect and Prospect? (and other texts): Requiem or Reveille?
Auteur: Lothane, Zvi
Verschenen in: International forum of psychoanalysis
Paginering: Jaargang 10 (2001) nr. 2 pagina's 113-132
Jaar: 2001-05-01
Inhoud: Already in the first decade of the 19th century and of its existence psychoanalysis has been under attack. Freud the psychoanalyst, the moralist, and the healer, and his new message to mankind, were under fire both ad rem and ad hominem: people attacked both the message and the messenger. In the recent decades, one of the most powerful challengers of Freud's legacy is Pittsburgh philosophy professor Adolf Grunbaum. This paper is the author's answer to Grunbaum's challenges, as presented at the 1998 IFPS Congress in Madrid. The author offers a rebuttal of a number of Grunbaum's critical contentions about the legitimacy of psychoanalysis as a method, a theory of disorder, and a healing profession and analyzes the flaws in Grunbaum's arguments.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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