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                                       Details for article 5 of 10 found articles
  Dispositions of college mathematics students
Title: Dispositions of college mathematics students
Author: Royster, David C.
Harris, M. Kim
Schoeps, Nancy
Appeared in: International journal of mathematical education in science and technology
Paging: Volume 30 (1999) nr. 3 pages 317-333
Year: 1999-05-01
Contents: The paper considers the dispositions of college students in mathematics courses towards mathematics. Disposition is looked at as a measure of the attitude of students towards mathematics and their beliefs about mathematics. Effective mathematics teaching involves more than the teaching of mathematical concepts and procedures: it also includes helping students develop their dispositions towards mathematics. An important component in the reform of the programme at the authors' university was an understanding of students' dispositions and attitudes towards mathematics. This study focused on beliefs and attitudes of students at the college level. Students in a variety of mathematics courses were surveyed. Several variables, such as academic major, mathematical background and gender were used to classify the students who were surveyed. Students' initial attitudes were assessed and changes in their attitudes identified over the course of one semester.
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 5 of 10 found articles
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