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  Potential Applications of Population Viability Analysis to Risk Assessment for Invasive Species
Titel: Potential Applications of Population Viability Analysis to Risk Assessment for Invasive Species
Auteur: Andersen, Mark C.
Verschenen in: Human and ecological risk assessment
Paginering: Jaargang 11 (2005) nr. 6 pagina's 1083-1095
Jaar: 2005-12-01
Inhoud: Population viability analysis, the use of ecological models to assess a population's risk of extinction, plays an important role in contemporary conservation biology. The premise of this review is that models, concepts, and data analyses that yield results on extinction risk of threatened and endangered species can also tell us about establishment risks of potentially invasive species. I briefly review important results for simple unstructured models, demographic models, and spatial models, giving examples of the application of each type of model to invasive species, and general conclusions about the applicability of each type of model to risk analysis for invasive species. The examples illustrate a portion of the range of potential applications of such models to invasive species, and some of the types of predictions that they can provide. They also highlight some of the limitations of such models. Finally, I present several conjectures and open research questions concerning the application of population viability analyses to risk analysis and control of invasive species.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 6 van 6 gevonden artikelen
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