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                                       Details van artikel 61 van 222 gevonden artikelen
  Dose-Response Model for Lassa Virus
Titel: Dose-Response Model for Lassa Virus
Auteur: Tamrakar, Sushil B.
Haas, Charles N.
Verschenen in: Human and ecological risk assessment
Paginering: Jaargang 14 (2008) nr. 4 pagina's 742-752
Jaar: 2008-07
Inhoud: This article develops dose-response models for Lassa fever virus using data sets found in the open literature. Dose-response data were drawn from two studies in which guinea pigs were given subcutaneous and aerosol exposure to Lassa virus. In one study, six groups of inbred guinea pigs were inoculated subcutaneously with doses of Lassa virus and five groups of out-bred guinea pigs were similarly treated. We found that the out-bred subcutaneously exposed guinea pig did not exhibit a dose-dependent trend in response. The inbred guinea pigs data were best fit by an exponential dose-response model. In a second study, four groups of out-bred guinea pigs were exposed to doses of Lassa virus via the aerosol route. In that study, aerosol diameter was less than 4.5 μ m and both mortality and morbidity were used as endpoints. The log-probit dose-response model provided a somewhat better fit than the Beta-Poisson model for data with mortality as the endpoint, but the Beta-Poisson is considered the best fit model because it can be derived using biological considerations. Morbidity data were best fit with an exponential dose-response model.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 61 van 222 gevonden artikelen
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 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland