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  Differences in Media Buying by Online Businesses in Black- and White-Targeted Magazines: The Potential Impact of the Digital Divide on Ad Placement
Titel: Differences in Media Buying by Online Businesses in Black- and White-Targeted Magazines: The Potential Impact of the Digital Divide on Ad Placement
Auteur: Appiah, Osei
Wagner, Matthew
Verschenen in: Howard journal of communications
Paginering: Jaargang 13 (2002) nr. 4 pagina's 251-266
Jaar: 2002-10
Inhoud: This study examined differences in ad placement by online companies based on whether the publication targets the general market or the Black population. Seventy-two magazines from three different categories were analyzed to ascertain the number of online company ads in each magazine. It was predicted that online businesses placed more ads in general market magazines than they did in magazines targeted to Black audiences. The findings clearly support the overall hypothesis. The potential impact of the digital divide on ad placement is discussed.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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