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  Defining housing reality: Ideological hegemony and power in housing research
Titel: Defining housing reality: Ideological hegemony and power in housing research
Auteur: Kemeny, Jim
Verschenen in: Housing studies
Paginering: Jaargang 3 (1988) nr. 4 pagina's 205-218
Jaar: 1988-10
Inhoud: An understanding of the dynamics of the research process and an awareness of the power structure of research can contribute towards heightened awareness of researchers in developing new ways of thinking and breaking down hegemonic perspectives. The task of this discussion is to begin a process of internal dialogue among housing researchers based on moving towards a more explicated awareness of the implicit paradigms and opaque power structures which determine what become and what do not become accepted wisdoms. When a constructivist perspective taken from the sociology of science is applied to housing studies it is argued that dominant paradigms can be discerned. These can be understood in relation to the organisation of housing research both institutionally and in disciplinary terms, while sustenance of existing paradigms, or the development of new ones, are achieved through pervasive interpersonal micro processes.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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