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  Boiling Two Hydrocarbon/ water Systems at Atmospheric Pressure
Titel: Boiling Two Hydrocarbon/ water Systems at Atmospheric Pressure
Auteur: Ahmad, H. H.
Nelson, P. J.
Burnside, B. M.
Verschenen in: Heat transfer engineering
Paginering: Jaargang 9 (1988) nr. 2 pagina's 51-57
Jaar: 1988-05-01
Inhoud: Work previously reported on boiling the nonane/water system over a small electrically heated aluminum tube bundle is extended to the heptane/water system. For this system it proved possible to produce vapors with a wide range of compositions. For similar tube wall temperatures boiling was much enhanced compared to boiling pure water. The effect on heat transfer coefficient of individual tube rows of change in the boiler liquid composition and in heat flux is reported and discussed. The nonane/water system was boiled with the tube bundle in square pitch and also rotated-square pitch configurations. The film of water on the boiling surfaces above the interface was more stable with the tubes in the square pitch configuration. This proved to have a marked effect on the relation between overall boiling heat transfer coefficient and the proportion of nonane in the boiler. The paper concludes with prediction of the boiling behavior of other immiscible aqueous binaries and discusses the difficulties inherent in adapting existing design methods to this type of boiler.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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