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  'Up for it, mad for it? Women, drug use and participation in club scenes'
Titel: 'Up for it, mad for it? Women, drug use and participation in club scenes'
Auteur: Hutton, Fiona
Verschenen in: Health, risk & society
Paginering: Jaargang 6 (2004) nr. 3 pagina's 223-237
Jaar: 2004-09
Inhoud: In this paper the meanings that participating in contemporary club scenes have for women are analysed in terms of risk and pleasure. The notion that club spaces provide an equal environment where women are free to participate without encountering sexual harassment from men is questioned, as is the assumption that all club spaces are the same. The differences between club spaces are discussed in terms of mainstreams and undergrounds and the implications that these different spaces have an impact on the women who choose a clubbing lifestyle. Previous accounts of women's sexual behaviour have focused on risk and danger. This extended analysis, by putting this behaviour into the context of drug use, risk and pleasure allows for a different reading of women's experiences. An ethnographic study using in-depth interviews, focus groups and participant observations was carried out to ascertain how women viewed their own participation on club scenes. The data suggests that women feel more comfortable in underground club spaces as they encounter less sexual harassment there, and that factors such as alcohol use and self esteem are crucial in determining risk taking behaviour. The use of ecstasy itself was not seen as a precursor to risk taking behaviour. The negotiation of femininity and sexuality in club spaces is highlighted as problematic for the women concerned. In constructing identities within club spaces however, a positive femininity can be produced in opposition to traditional, passive images of femininity and sexuality.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 5 van 6 gevonden artikelen
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