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  Categorization and explanation of risk: a discourse analytical perspective
Title: Categorization and explanation of risk: a discourse analytical perspective
Author: Sarangi, Srikant
Candlin, Christopher
Appeared in: Health, risk & society
Paging: Volume 5 (2003) nr. 2 pages 115-124
Year: 2003-07
Contents: Categorization -- generally understood as definition of situations (including events, actions, roles/identities, knowledge claims etc) in everyday and professional/institutional settings -- is a meaning-making activity, deeply embodied in human experience and understanding. Language and discourse play a significant part in how we categorize events and things in discipline-specific ways. Contributors to this Special Issue of Health, Risk & Society approach risk categorization and its explanatory status in a range of healthcare settings -- genetics, cancer, HIV/AIDS, hormone replacement therapy -- from a discourse analytical perspective (broadly defined as language and interaction in context-specific environments). Research practice -- what we choose to study, how we select our data sites and analytic frameworks and how we formulate our findings -- constitutes categorization work par excellence and so remains a candidate project in reflexivity.
Publisher: Routledge
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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