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  Rating risk: Insurance, genetics and law
Title: Rating risk: Insurance, genetics and law
Author: McGleenan, Tony
Appeared in: Health, risk & society
Paging: Volume 1 (1999) nr. 3 pages 325-332
Year: 1999-11-01
Contents: The widespread introduction of genetic testing and screening may alter the way that we conceptualise risk in relation to life and health insurance. The information generated by predictive molecular medicine threatens to alter the structure of the insurance markets as we currently understand them. Individuals may use information about their genetic profile to purchase larger than normal quantities of life or health insurance without disclosing their increased risk. Alternatively the insurance industry may demand access to sensitive information from one individual which discloses risk information about other family members. Indeed, some have argued that insurance companies ought to be allowed to require a genetic test in advance of any insurance policy being offered. This article reviews the concepts of mutuality and solidarity which are fundamental to modem insurance markets. It examines the challenges which are posed for the insurance industry by developments in genetics. In some states these challenges have prompted strong legislative responses which threaten to skew the traditional workings of the insurance industry. In others, such as the United Kingdom, more reflexive methods of regulation have been implemented. This article examines the regulatory responses to insurance and genetics. It seeks to categorise different types of insurance products according to the social good provided. The argument is advanced that state interventions in the realm of insurance and genetics can be justified but ought to be proportionate to the level of social good provided by the insurance products in question.
Publisher: Routledge
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 8 of 12 found articles
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