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  The influence of meteorological factors on Ambrosia pollen loads in Cracow, Poland, 1995-2006
Titel: The influence of meteorological factors on Ambrosia pollen loads in Cracow, Poland, 1995-2006
Auteur: Ste˛palska, Danuta
Myszkowska, Dorota
WoŁek, Jerzy
Piotrowicz, Katarzyna
ObtuŁowicz, Krystyna
Verschenen in: Grana
Paginering: Jaargang 47 (2008) nr. 4 pagina's 297-304
Jaar: 2008-12
Inhoud: Ambrosia is a highly allergenic, anemophilous genus of the Asteraceae family which is composed of about 40 species. We investigated a 12 year period of Ambrosia pollen occurrence to analyse annual totals, season starts, duration, peak days and the relationship between concentration and some meteorological factors. Analysis was performed on the basis of data collected in Cracow using the volumetric method in 1995-2006. Ambrosia pollen concentration showed seasonal fluctuation but no clear increasing tendency. In consecutive years the number of days with pollen increased, particularly in the category of <10 pollen grains per day. Results of applied log-linear analysis indicated significant interaction between concentration and maximum temperature, and also significant interaction among independent variables. Ambrosia pollen has highest concentrations during the days with high values of maximum temperature (Tmax). The results of wind direction analysis showed that high pollen concentration occurred when wind blew from east (E) and east southeasterly (ESE) directions, which could have indicated long distance transport. When west (W) and west southwesterly (WSW) wind directions prevailed pollen could have been brought from local sources in the western part of Poland.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 7 van 7 gevonden artikelen
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