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  The Dinoflagellate Angustidinium Acribes (Davey & Verdier) Gen. Et Comb. Nov. from the Mid-Cretaceous of the Northern California Coast Ranges
Titel: The Dinoflagellate Angustidinium Acribes (Davey & Verdier) Gen. Et Comb. Nov. from the Mid-Cretaceous of the Northern California Coast Ranges
Auteur: Goodman, David K.
Evitt, William R.
Verschenen in: Grana
Paginering: Jaargang 20 (1981) nr. 1 pagina's 43-54
Jaar: 1981
Inhoud: The mid-Cretaceous dinoflagellate cyst Angustidinium acribes Davey & Verdier gen. et comb. nov. displays several morphological features unique among fossil dinoflagellates. On the basis of specimens from northern California, the species is redescribed and is shown to have a paratabulation expressed by the formula 2pr, 5', 3a, 7'', Xc, 5''', 2''''; a seven-sided intercalary archeopyle (2a only); an unusually narrow, essentially four-sided first apical paraplate; and typically a small opening or an area of periphragm thickening on each of the antapical paraplates. The distinctive features of the paratabulation are hypothesized to derive from a conventional peridiniacean pattern by subdivision of the mid-dorsal apical paraplate and by ventral shift in the right lateral limit of the first apical paraplate. The pattern is closely similar to the tabulation in living species of Heterocapsa, notably H. niei (Loeblich). suggesting affinity with that genus of the Peridiniaceae, rather than to Peridinium or Protoperidinium to whcih most fossil peridinoid cysts appear closely allied.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 8 van 9 gevonden artikelen
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