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  The sandinistas and the Atlantic coast: Revolution, Ethnic conflict and the struggle for peace 1984-90
Titel: The sandinistas and the Atlantic coast: Revolution, Ethnic conflict and the struggle for peace 1984-90
Auteur: West, Philip A.
Verschenen in: Global change peace and security
Paginering: Jaargang 6 (1994) nr. 1 pagina's 61-76
Jaar: 1994-05
Inhoud: The Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN or Sandinistas) came to power in 1979 after a protracted guerilla campaign against the US supported Somoza dictatorship. However, the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua, home to a multi-ethnic community including Miskitu Indians and African descendant Creoles, was practically unscathed during the revolutionary insurrection in which 50,000 people died. During the years of FSLN rule, fighting raged between the Sandinista government and a US backed counter-revolutionary force. The Atlantic Coast was severely affected by this war. Within eighteen months of the revolution, over 10,000 Miskitu had joined the US backed counter-revolutionary forces based in neighbouring Honduras. By late 1983, the FSLN government began to change their rhetoric and policies affecting the Atlantic Coast. Negotiations and cease-fires with armed Indigenous groups were entered into, evacuated communities were allowed to return to their lands and a political autonomy law was enacted. By 1986, when some of the fiercest fighting was still raging in other parts of Nicaragua, an uneasy but lasting peace was emerging on the Atlantic Coast. This paper explores the peace making process.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 148 van 156 gevonden artikelen
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