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                                       Details for article 10 of 23 found articles
  'I'd Feel Ashamed': Girls' Bodies and Sports Participation
Title: 'I'd Feel Ashamed': Girls' Bodies and Sports Participation
Author: Evans, Bethan
Appeared in: Gender, place and culture
Paging: Volume 13 (2006) nr. 5 pages 547-561
Year: 2006-10
Contents: This article is concerned with the links between space, gender and adolescents' bodies. Drawing on data from both qualitative and quantitative research carried out with adolescents aged 13-16 in Liverpool, UK in 2001 the article examines girls' low participation rates in physical education (PE). Framed within theoretical work relating to the performance of corporeal femininities and 'inhibited intentionality' in reference to sporting confidence, girls' experiences of single-sex PE are compared with their perceptions of mixed PE in order to explore how the presence of boys may impact on girls' perceptions of their bodies and willingness to participate in sport. The results suggest that while girls still feel pressure from a male gaze to present their bodies to boys as passively beautiful, they also feel pressure to be competent at sport and thus present their bodies as active. However, single-sex PE does not provide a space where the male gaze is absent, suggesting this gaze has been internalized. This article explores the nature of school space in explaining differential participation rates, highlighting how sports within the space of the school, with an emphasis on competition and under the evaluative gaze of teachers, intensify some girls' fears of inadequacy in sports. The findings illustrate the complexities and contradictions present within and between girls' experiences of their bodies and sports and the relationship between school space and adolescents' bodies. 'Siento Verguuenza': Cuerpos de jovenas Y participacion endeportes Este articulo se ocupa de los enlaces entre espacio, genero, y los cuerpos de adolescentes. Utilizando datos de una investigacion cualitativo y cuantitativo que se llevo a caber con adolescentes de 13 hasta 16 anos en Liverpool en 2001, examino el nivel bajo de la participacion de jovenas en educacion fisica. Las experiencias de jovenas de la educacion fisica solo para ninas se comparan con sus percepciones de la educacion fisica mixta para explorar como la presencia de jovenes (ninos) influye la percepcion de jovenas de sus cuerpos y sus buenas disposiciones para participar en deportes. Los resultados sugieren que mientras las jovenas sienten presion de las miradas masculinas para presentar sus cuerpos a ellos como pasivamente hermosos, sienten tambien la presion para estar capaz en los deportes y asi presentar sus cuerpos como activos. Sin embargo, la educacion fisica solo para ninas no provee un espacio donde no hay una mirada masculina por que esta mirada se ha sido interiorizado. Deportes en el espacio de la escuela tienen un enfasis en la competicion y una mirada evaluativa de maestros y como consecuencia se intensifica el miedo de jovenas de ser inadecuado en deportes. Las conclusiones ilustran las complejidades y contradicciones en y entre las experiencias de jovenas de sus cuerpos y deportes, y la relacion entre el espacio de la escuela y los cuerpos de adolescentes.
Publisher: Routledge
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 10 of 23 found articles
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