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                                       Details van artikel 4 van 5 gevonden artikelen
Auteur: Tuntomo, A.
Park, S. H.
Tien, C. L.
Verschenen in: Experimental heat transfer
Paginering: Jaargang 2 (1989) nr. 2 pagina's 91-103
Jaar: 1989
Inhoud: Quantitative analysis of the effect of radiative energy blockage during the combustion process of condensed fuels requires a knowledge of the infrared radiation properties of various hydrocarbon gases as a function of temperature and optical pathlength. The spectral absorptivities of the four infrared-active bands of ethylene (C2H4 have been measured at low resolution for temperatures between 300 and 700 K, These measurements have been used to correlate both the spectral-mean parameters and the wide-band parameters for each of the four major bands in the infrared region. The spectral-mean parameters have been determined from the statistical narrow-band model, while the wide-band parameters have been obtained from the Edwards exponential wide-band model. The wide-band parameters have been further utilized for the development of both the total emissivity and the Planck mean absorption coefficient charts. In addition, based on the Tien-Brosmer super-band model, the super-band parameters have also been determined in the present work for convenient engineering application.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 4 van 5 gevonden artikelen
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