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  The factors for evaluating service quality in athletic camps: A case study
Titel: The factors for evaluating service quality in athletic camps: A case study
Auteur: Costa, George
Tsitskari, Efi
Tzetzis, George
Goudas, Marios
Verschenen in: European sport management quarterly
Paginering: Jaargang 4 (2004) nr. 1 pagina's 22-35
Jaar: 2004-03
Inhoud: During the last few years, there has been significant interest in service quality issues, in general, and the quality of athletic services, in particular. The aim of this research was to see whether the 10 dimensions for the evaluation of service quality of Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry (1985) could be modified and used to evaluate the service quality of an athletic camp. The sample consisted of 369 participants, aged from 9-18 years old athletes, and 126 parents. The questionnaire, which was created with the use of the 10 dimensions, consisted of 28 closed and 4 open questions (for the children's questionnaire) and 29 closed and 2 open questions (for the parents' questionnaire). Factor analysis and Alpha Reliability test found out that there are 5 ("Training program”, “Contentment - Intention”, “Safety & convenience in the facilities”, “Tangibles” and “Relations with the coaches") factors for the children and 4 factors for the parents ("Accommodation installations”, “Coaches'”, “Contentment - Intention” and “Access - Communication") that really affect them when they come to decide which camp to participate in/send their children to. These factors are the ones that the managers/directors of the athletic camps should take into consideration when offering their service.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 5 van 5 gevonden artikelen
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