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  Bread: The Eruption and Interruption of Politics in Elizabeth Inchbald's Every One Has His Fault
Titel: Bread: The Eruption and Interruption of Politics in Elizabeth Inchbald's Every One Has His Fault
Auteur: O'Quinn, Daniel
Verschenen in: European romantic review
Paginering: Jaargang 18 (2007) nr. 2 pagina's 149-157
Jaar: 2007-04
Inhoud: Every One Has His Fault was in rehearsal when the Edict of Fraternity was passed, opened eight days after Louis XVI was executed and three days prior to the declaration of War with France. Inchbald's play provides a valuable case study for understanding the intersection of theater and politics not only because it was the occasion for political performance in the audience, but also because it was the object of direct censure by the royalist press. Much of the play's intervention in the debate surrounding the morality of Britain's war with France hinges on the utterance of four words: “Provisions are so scarce.” Inchbald's deployment of the phrase raises the specter of unrest among the poor and also invokes debates in political economy regarding the production and reproduction of social surplus. Through a close analysis of how this phrase is deployed, this essay argues that Inchbald is exploring how regulation in the sexual economy of middle-class life is implicated in the amelioration of social inequities at both the national and the imperial level. It is my contention that in a period of intense censorship, Inchbald's play lays bare the political force of the middle ranks and forces its audience to contemplate crises in national subjectivity brought on not only by the revolution in France, but also by the failed war with America.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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