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  Physical exercise in dyslipoproteinemias: An update
Titel: Physical exercise in dyslipoproteinemias: An update
Auteur: Berg, Aloys
Konig, Daniel
Halle, Martin
Baumstark, Manfred
Verschenen in: European journal of sport science
Paginering: Jaargang 2 (2002) nr. 4 pagina's 1-13
Jaar: 2002-08
Inhoud: Epidemiological as well as interventional studies have proven a significant link between the lipoprotein profile and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. As physical activity is accepted as an important factor in improving physical fitness and lipoprotein metabolism, there is evidence that physically active men have a lower cardiovascular risk as a benefit of their higher metabolic fitness. Physical activity and physical fitness are generally linked to higher physical fitness and lower LDL cholesterol as well as lower triglycerides accompanied by a favorable body composition. Both in healthy men as well as in patients, the impact of fitness and training is often more impressive when lipoprotein subclasses, particularly HDL 2 and LDL6 cholesterol levels, are taken into account. These observations indicate that the preventive and therapeutic use of physical activity is of particular significance in populations with dyslipoproteinemia and reduced daily activities. Furthermore, to optimize the therapeutic benefit of physical activity and lifestyle programs, increased attention should be paid to characterizing and motivating subgroups that will particularly profit by exercise intervention and lifestyle changes.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 8 van 8 gevonden artikelen
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