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                                       Details for article 16 of 49 found articles
  Mass Housing: User Satisfaction in Housing and its Environment in Istanbul, Turkey
Title: Mass Housing: User Satisfaction in Housing and its Environment in Istanbul, Turkey
Author: Kellekci˙, Omer Lutfi
Berkoz, Lale
Appeared in: European journal of housing policy
Paging: Volume 6 (2006) nr. 1 pages 77-99
Year: 2006-04-01
Contents: Individuals' views of residential areas and the physical and social features of the environment are influenced by their individual characteristics, life quality and other requirements. Research on user satisfaction in housing and environment has become a dynamic and complex field of study. In this study, in order to assess the factors that improve satisfaction with housing and environmental quality, both the concepts of housing and its environment, and the subject of housing and environmental quality satisfaction have been investigated. Linear regression analyses have been made to assess whether there are any distinctions between the factors generally influential in satisfaction with a residential area according to demographic and socio-economic structures of users, and to determine the distinctions, if any, between the factors that affect satisfaction and values. Taking into consideration all of the characteristics that determine housing and environmental quality satisfaction as a result of these analyses, new insights into this subject have been gained by identifying these factor groups as the determinants of user satisfaction in housing and environmental quality. At the end of the regression analyses applied to these factor groups, it has been ascertained that the factors increasing levels of satisfaction vary according to the demographic and socio-economic structural differences of the users. The findings of this study bear similarity with the findings of previous studies made on this subject.
Publisher: Routledge
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 16 of 49 found articles
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