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                                       Details for article 59 of 65 found articles
  The electronic mirror and emotional growth
Title: The electronic mirror and emotional growth
Author: Luth, Robin
Appeared in: Emotional and behavioural difficulties
Paging: Volume 6 (2001) nr. 4 pages 251-264
Year: 2001
Contents: The article examines the use of information and communication technology to enhance the educational achievement of a group of students evidencing a variety of EBD in a mainstream school setting. It is believed that ICT will have just as important a part to play in the education of students with EBD as it will with other sensory or physical special educational needs. The article examines within-child factors which make a cognitive-behavioural approach potentially powerful. It suggests that ICT can enhance the educational experience of EBD pupils if careful attention is paid to the creation of a therapeutic teaching environment and the interaction of the student/curriculum and teacher/student interfaces. The article discusses the implementation of an integrated learning system in an inner London comprehensive school and its effects on those pupils presenting with emotionally disordered learning difficulties.
Publisher: Routledge
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 59 of 65 found articles
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