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                                       Details van artikel 7 van 12 gevonden artikelen
  EMP Coupling to Power Lines
Titel: EMP Coupling to Power Lines
Auteur: Cristina, S.
D'Amore, M.
Feliziani, M.
Verschenen in: Electromagnetics
Paginering: Jaargang 8 (1988) nr. 2-4 pagina's 277-292
Jaar: 1988
Inhoud: A procedure based on trasmission-line theory, is presented for the evaluation of the effects produced by an EMP wave on a multiconductor power line. The high-altitude nuclear EMP is considered as an incident wave towards the ground; the total field is the sum of the incident wave and the wave reflected from the ground surface. The transmission system is represented in the frequency domain by an accurate simulation model, which takes account of earth and conductors skin effect. Non-linear phenomena, such as corona and flashover, are not considered. The EMP-line coupling results in per-unit length series-voltage and shunt-current sources. Analysis of the multiconductor circuit with distributed impressed sources is performed by using matrix operators in integral expressions, which are calculated numerically. The transient voltages and currents are obtained by a discrete inverse Fourier transform. The EMP effects induced on a distribution power line with different terminal conditions are computed.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 7 van 12 gevonden artikelen
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 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland