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  Improving methods of consulting with young people: Piloting a new model of consultation
Titel: Improving methods of consulting with young people: Piloting a new model of consultation
Auteur: Woolfson, Richard C.
Bryce, Donna
Mooney, Lindsay
Harker, Michael
Lowe, Dorothy
Ferguson, Ellen
Verschenen in: Educational psychology in practice
Paginering: Jaargang 24 (2008) nr. 1 pagina's 55-67
Jaar: 2008-03
Inhoud: National and international legislation has increasingly placed a duty on professionals to consult with young people about matters affecting their lives. Consequently, conducting consultation exercises with young people in order to improve the quality of services available is becoming established practice in many areas. Following on from previous research which asked children and young people about ways they prefer to be consulted, this study developed a new model of consultation to enhance the effectiveness of meetings that young people attend in order to discuss their additional support needs. This model was implemented in a series of consultation meetings in three secondary schools, and was evaluated by examining the views of the key stakeholders (pupils, parents, school staff, visiting professionals) through questionnaires and interviews. The findings suggest that this new model did have a positive impact on the young people who were involved and was perceived positively by all stakeholder groups. This model can provide guidance for EPs and other professionals who wish to effectively involve children and young people in the consultation process.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 5 van 7 gevonden artikelen
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