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  Prevention is better than cure: coping skills training for adolescents at school
Titel: Prevention is better than cure: coping skills training for adolescents at school
Auteur: Frydenberg, Erica
Lewis, Ramon
Bugalski, Kerry
Cotta, Amanda
McCarthy, Cathy
Luscombe-smith, Neringa
Poole, Charles
Verschenen in: Educational psychology in practice
Paginering: Jaargang 20 (2004) nr. 2 pagina's 117-134
Jaar: 2004-06
Inhoud: Children and adolescents today face a plethora of stressful problems, including family and relationship conflict, death of close family members or friends, and academic and social pressures. Such problems have been found to contribute to an increased risk of various emotional-social-cognitive difficulties in adolescence. These include academic failure, social misbehaviour, interpersonal problems, and depression. Programmes that promote coping with normative stress, delivered to the whole population, have been considered to represent a promising direction for the prevention of social emotional difficulties. The Best of Coping: Developing Coping Skills Program (Frydenberg & Brandon, 2002) was introduced in two school settings on four separate occasions. Evaluation of the results provides modest support for coping skills enhancement but provide a warning about the need for caution when implementing and evaluating the Programme. First, it appeared to have some opposing effects on males and females. Second, improvements in students' coping responses were apparently related to the authenticity of implementation of the Programme. The findings are discussed with regard to the need to implement programmes through which we can teach adolescents coping responses, which include optimism and problem-solving skills, so that they may handle problems and stressors more effectively. Additionally, an important feature of such programmes is a focus on the reduction of the use of non-productive coping skills. With an increase in psycho-social problems, the need to provide school-based programmes is discussed, with emphasis placed on programme implementation. In particular, the probable need for ongoing involvement of psychologically trained school counsellors with teachers, through the life of the programme.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 6 van 6 gevonden artikelen
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