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  Contexts for Remedial Reading: Practice Reading and Pause, Prompt and Praise tutoring
Titel: Contexts for Remedial Reading: Practice Reading and Pause, Prompt and Praise tutoring
Auteur: O'connor, Gerard
Glynn, Ted
Tuck, Bryan
Verschenen in: Educational psychology
Paginering: Jaargang 7 (1987) nr. 3 pagina's 207-223
Jaar: 1987
Inhoud: Fourteen residential childcare workers were trained to implement both a Practice Reading and the Pause, Prompt and Praise remedial reading procedures in school and cottage settings with 18 low-progress readers of primary school age. Pause, Prompt and Praise procedures were introduced in each setting only if readers made insufficient progress with Practice Reading alone. Childcare workers displayed major change in their tutoring behaviour between baseline (untrained tutoring) conditions and trained tutoring conditions (Practice Reading or Pause, Prompt and Praise). Readers who received a six week programme of individual reading assistance made significant gains on standardised tests of reading accuracy and comprehension and made accelerated progress through graded book levels, while children in the comparison group did not. Results are discussed in terms of the interactive social contexts provided by the two procedures and of the opportunities for reciprocal gains in skill between readers and tutors with the Pause, Prompt and Praise procedures.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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