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  Maternal stress: a comparative study of Australian and Singaporean mothers of young children
Titel: Maternal stress: a comparative study of Australian and Singaporean mothers of young children
Auteur: Rodd, Jillian
Verschenen in: Early child development and care
Paginering: Jaargang 91 (1993) nr. 1 pagina's 41-50
Jaar: 1993
Inhoud: This study investigated the relationship between several indicators of psychological wellbeing and maternal stress measured by the Parental Stress Index in a volonteer sample of 109 Australian and 88 Singaporean mothers with children under five years of age. The findings indicated that, for both groups of mothers, psychological wellbeing was reasonably high. The level of maternal stress reported by both groups of mothers was extremely high with a higher percentage of Australian mothers reporting extreme levels of stress. The level of psychological wellbeing was not affected by nor did it impact upon levels of maternal stress in both groups. Levels of psychological wellbeing and stress were not related to objective characteristics but appear to be influenced by similar subjective perceptions regarding the parenting experience held by both Australian and Singaporean mothers. Stress in mothers of young children does not appear to be culture specific but an inherent aspect of the process of parenting young children accepted and tolerated by mothers from two different cultures. Cognitive-behavioural theory and practice is the recommended approach for professional intervention.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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