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  Refractance Window Dehydration Technology: A Novel Contact Drying Method
Titel: Refractance Window Dehydration Technology: A Novel Contact Drying Method
Auteur: Nindo, C. I.
Tang, J.
Verschenen in: Drying technology
Paginering: Jaargang 25 (2007) nr. 1 pagina's 37-48
Jaar: 2007-01
Inhoud: Refractance Window® (RW) system is a novel drying method for converting liquid foods and other related biomaterials into powders, flakes, or sheets with added value. In this system, purees or juices prepared from fruits, vegetables, or herbs dry in short times, typically 3-5 min, resulting in products with excellent color, vitamin, and antioxidant retention. The RW drying systems are simple and relatively inexpensive when compared with freeze drying, which usually needs large installations to be economical. In RW drying systems thermal energy is transferred from hot water to a film of puree or juice spread thinly on a plastic conveyor belt. These drying systems operate at atmospheric pressure and are used for commercial production of scrambled egg mix, avocado powder, high carotenoid-containing algae, herbal extracts and human nutrition supplements, and food ingredients, as well as dried fruits and vegetables. This article presents the principle of Refractance Window® drying and highlights some results that show its potential and how it compares with other dryers for processing fruits, vegetables, and other heat-sensitive products.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 26 van 34 gevonden artikelen
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