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                                       Details van artikel 20 van 37 gevonden artikelen
  Energy Efficient Electric Drying Systems for Industry
Titel: Energy Efficient Electric Drying Systems for Industry
Auteur: Hease, Brian
Verschenen in: Drying technology
Paginering: Jaargang 13 (1995) nr. 5-7 pagina's 1543-1562
Jaar: 1995
Inhoud: Major advances in electric drying system technology have been made in recent times. There is increasing interest in electric drying technologies, however more needs to be done by the Electricity Supply Industry to obtain a significant share of the drying systems energy market for electricity. This paper describes a number of energy efficient electric drying system technologies including heat pump dehumidifiers, heat recovery from heated air driers and microwave assisted drying. Medium temperature (30°C to 55°C) dehumidifier driers can dry a wide range of products using only around 20% of the energy used by a fuel fired drier for the same process. Low temperature (1°C to 5°C) dehumidifier driers have been proposed as a viable alternative to freeze drying with comparable or better product quality and lower capital and operating costs. The advantages to industry of reduced energy use, lower energy costs and improved product quality are illustrated by the results of tests carried out in the drying test and demonstration facilities at the South East Queensland Electricity Board's Customer Technology Centre and by a number of case studies from industry. The role of Electricity Supply Industry Energy advisors and Electricity Technology Centres in facilitating adoption of these technologies by industry is discussed.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 20 van 37 gevonden artikelen
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