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  Ethical challenges of life story research with ex-prisoners with intellectual disability
Titel: Ethical challenges of life story research with ex-prisoners with intellectual disability
Auteur: Ellem, Kathleen
Wilson, Jill
Chui, Wing Hong
Knox, Marie
Verschenen in: Disability & society
Paginering: Jaargang 23 (2008) nr. 5 pagina's 497-509
Jaar: 2008-08
Inhoud: This paper outlines the ethical considerations when engaging in life story research with ex-prisoners with intellectual disability. Based on a study conducted in Queensland, Australia, the authors explore some of the challenges that have arisen through the lens of principle-based ethics. The significant disadvantage experienced by ex-prisoners with intellectual disability warrants further attention by social researchers, and care must be taken not to further harm this group through the research process. Issues pertaining to the broad ethical concepts of integrity, justice, respect for persons and beneficence are examined to identify the degree to which they can guide the actions of the life story researcher. Examples are given as to how the researcher responded to difficulties as they arose and the authors discuss ways forward from a principle-based approach.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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