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                                       Details van artikel 31 van 111 gevonden artikelen
  Contested memories: efforts of the powerful to silence former inmates' histories of life in an institution for 'mental defectives'
Titel: Contested memories: efforts of the powerful to silence former inmates' histories of life in an institution for 'mental defectives'
Auteur: Malacrida, Claudia
Verschenen in: Disability & society
Paginering: Jaargang 21 (2006) nr. 5 pagina's 397-410
Jaar: 2006-08-01
Inhoud: This paper discusses the barriers encountered in undertaking an oral history project with survivors of a total institution for 'mental defectives' in the province of Alberta, Canada. Powerful social actors were able to bar access to survivors through legal guardianship orders, and to make access to the institution and its grounds and to publicly archived materials quite prohibitive to the researcher. In addition to overt efforts on the part of powerful social actors to block the project, concerns about the potential to discredit survivor narratives led to changes in the research design. Specifically, research and literature about the 'acquiescence' of intellectuals with intellectual impairments led the researcher to broaden the sources for this history as a preemptive strategy. Despite these barriers, survivors of the institution provided a rich and powerful testimony to the brutality of institutionalization, and provide us with an emancipatory history from the perspectives of those most oppressed by disability policies and practices.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 31 van 111 gevonden artikelen
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