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                                       Details van artikel 41 van 144 gevonden artikelen
  Democratic institutions, political representation and women's empowerment: The quota debate in India
Titel: Democratic institutions, political representation and women's empowerment: The quota debate in India
Auteur: Rai, Shirin M.
Verschenen in: Democratization
Paginering: Jaargang 6 (1999) nr. 3 pagina's 84-99
Jaar: 1999
Inhoud: This article reflects upon the debate on quotas for women in representative institutions of government. It poses the question whether current debates about quotas for women are relevant to debates on women's empowerment. In doing so, it points to the bases upon which the arguments for and against quotas have been presented within the Indian political system, taking into account the historical debates on caste, the emergence of coalition politics, the strength of the women's movement, and the engagement of women's groups with the politics of difference. The central argument of the article is that unless the issues of class-based and caste-based differences are taken seriously by women's groups in India, the wider question of empowerment cannot be satisfactorily answered. The conclusion assesses whether the Indian example is of relevance to wider debates on quotas as strategies of empowerment.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 41 van 144 gevonden artikelen
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