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  Germans to the Front? Attitudes Towards a German Contribution to Worldwide Military Missions
Titel: Germans to the Front? Attitudes Towards a German Contribution to Worldwide Military Missions
Auteur: Jacobs, Jorg
Verschenen in: Debatte
Paginering: Jaargang 14 (2006) nr. 3 pagina's 271-281
Jaar: 2006-12-01
Inhoud: For half a century Western Europe and the USA were certain that NATO would guarantee peace, stability and freedom. This certainty is gone, since the Soviet empire collapsed and the Cold War is over. Since, all German governments have tried to find their new role in this international uncertainty. The claim of a seat in the UN-security council as a permanent member, and the deployment of the Bundeswehr in Afghanistan are met with the clear expression of the constitution, which restricts the use of force to defensive measures only. This contribution addresses a question, often forgotten in the analysis of foreign policy, namely whether the new defence policy is accepted by the German people. Is there a consensus to defend the German interests at the Hindukusch, as was stated by Peter Struck, the former Minister of Defence? Opinion polls will be used to analyse whether the use of force “out of area” is widely accepted in Germany.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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