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  Suicide Behavior among Latino and Latina Adolescents: Conceptual and Methodological Issues
Titel: Suicide Behavior among Latino and Latina Adolescents: Conceptual and Methodological Issues
Auteur: Duarte-Velez, Yovanska M.
Bernal, Guillermo
Verschenen in: Death studies
Paginering: Jaargang 31 (2007) nr. 5 pagina's 435-455
Jaar: 2007-05
Inhoud: Suicide is the cause of 11.7 % of all deaths among youth and young adults aged 10 to 24 years in the United States (J. A. Grunbaum et al., 2004). Suicide is third leading cause of death for young Latinos/as aged 10 to 24 years (National Institute of Mental Health, 2001). Latino/a youth are at a greater risk of suicide behavior than other ethnic groups (G. Canino & R. E. Roberts, 2001). Latinos/as have less access to mental health services than do Whites and are less likely to receive needed care (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2001). This article reviews the scientific literature related to suicide behavior among Latino/a adolescent since 1990. Conceptual and methodological issues in research are examined and the role of contextual and developmental factors on suicide behavior is discussed. The empirical findings of comparative ethnic minority studies, studies focused on Latino/a youth, and within-group studies are reviewed. Research on Latino/a adolescent suicide behavior is limited, few studies focus on any Latino subgroup and it is rare to find comparative studies focus on within-group diversity among Latinos. For the most part, no explanatory variables that may account for the differences among groups or that help explain the meaning of the suicide behavior were found. Research efforts should move away from using generic labels (e.g., Hispanics, Latinos, etc.) and shift toward addressing group-specific (e.g., Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, etc.) findings that have implications for prevention and treatment of target populations (G. Canino & R. E. Roberts, 2001; J. D. Hovey & C. A. King, 1997). Suicide behavior studies among specific Latino/a adolescents that are based on theory and informed by ecodevelopmental, gender-specific perspectives should advance the field.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 7 van 7 gevonden artikelen
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