Semi-automated segmentation and visualisation of outer bone cortex from medical images
Semi-automated segmentation and visualisation of outer bone cortex from medical images
Gelaude, F. Sloten, J. Vander Lauwers, B.
Appeared in:
Computer methods in biomechanics & biomedical engineering
Volume 9 (2006) nr. 1 pages 65-77
Good segmentation of the outer bone cortex from medical images is a prerequisite for applications in the field of finite element analysis, surgical planning environments and personalised, case dependent, bone reconstruction. However, current segmentation procedures are often unsatisfactory. This study presents an automated filter procedure to generate a set of adapted contours from which a surface mesh can be deduced directly. The degree of interaction is user determined. The bone contours are extracted from the patients CT data by quick grey value segmentation. An extended filter procedure then only retains contour information representing the outer cortex as more specific internal loops and shape irregularities are removed, tailoring the image for the above-mentioned applications. The developed medical image based design methodology to convert contour sets of multiple bone types, from tibia tumour to neurocranium, is reported and discussed.