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  Extremal domains associated with an analytic function I
Titel: Extremal domains associated with an analytic function I
Auteur: Stahl, Herbert
Verschenen in: Complex variables and elliptic equations
Paginering: Jaargang 4 (1985) nr. 4 pagina's 311-324
Jaar: 1985-09
Inhoud: In this paper we investigate the following two extremal problems: A) Let F be a continuum in the extended complex plane[image omitted]  that does not divide [image omitted]  and let f(z) be a function analytic on F By D we denote domains in [image omitted]  such that f(z) has a single-valued analytic continuation in D. Does there exist a domain D0 with minimal condenser capacity [image omitted]  B) Let f(z) be a function analytic in a neighborhood of infinity. By D we denote domains in [image omitted] , such that f{z) has a single-valued analytic continuation in D. Does there exist a domain D0 with minimal logarithmic capacity [image omitted]  It is proved that there exist extremal domains D0 in both problems. In a second part of the paper it will be shown that these domains are uniquely determined up to a boundary set of capacity zero.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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