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  Health Curriculum and School Quality: international perspectives
Titel: Health Curriculum and School Quality: international perspectives
Auteur: Hawes, Hugh
Verschenen in: Compare
Paginering: Jaargang 33 (2003) nr. 1 pagina's 5-14
Jaar: 2003-03
Inhoud: The study looks at issues surrounding the definition, choice and implemen tation of the planned content of health education for primary schools, focusing on two countries in Africa and on one Indian state. It argues that health education is a vital component to achieving quality because it links home with school; 'needs now' with 'needs later'. Yet it is proves exceptionally difficult to plan and deliver such content effectively because curriculum planning bodies are geared to work with separate subjects rather than across the curriculum, with classroom content rather than wider learning experiences in and from school, and with textbooks and examinations rather than the physical and human environment of the school community. There is confusion as to the definition and purpose of health education, omission and overlap in planned learning opportunities and a wide gap between what is planned centrally and what is actually delivered in school. There is considerable awareness of the need to rethink approaches and a large number of separate proposals for action have emerged, aimed at improving content, methodology, materials and evaluation strategies. Yet many fundamental problems remain concerning the structure and purpose of planning bodies (notably the Curriculum Centres) and with overcoming a restrictive and conservative culture of schooling. Issues raised in this study have wide relevance, not only to other countries but also to the planning of other themes, such as environmental protection and conflict resolution.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 6 van 8 gevonden artikelen
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