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  Effect of Cropping on Changes in Phosphorus Fractions of Soils from Arable and Other Forest Land Use: A Greenhouse Bioassay
Titel: Effect of Cropping on Changes in Phosphorus Fractions of Soils from Arable and Other Forest Land Use: A Greenhouse Bioassay
Auteur: Azeez, J. O.
Adetunji, M. T.
Ojo, L. O.
Verschenen in: Communications in soil science and plant analysis
Paginering: Jaargang 38 (2007) nr. 9-10 pagina's 1277-1288
Jaar: 2007-05
Inhoud: Laboratory and greenhouse studies were conducted on six soils from natural reserves, seven plantation soils, and two arable soils from the Omo biosphere reserves in southwestern Nigeria to assess the phosphorus (P) fractions and the extent to which the soils could support five consecutive cycles of maize (Zea mays L.) harvest. The organic-P fractions constitutes about 50% of the total P, and the inorganic-P fractions in the order of abundance was iron (Fe) P>occluded P>aluminum (Al)-P>calcium (Ca) P. The residual P constituted about 20% of the total P. There were significant reductions in the inorganic-P fractions after five consecutive maize harvests; this was however, more pronounced in the available P (Bray 1). About 62% reduction in Bray 1 P was recorded after maize harvests. The reductions in the P forms after five cycles of maize harvest was Bray 1 P>Ca P>residual P>Al P>total P>Fe P>organic P>occluded P>reductant P. The capacity of the soils to support maize growth without fertilization varied widely in each of the maize cycle. Soil from natural reserves produced a significantly higher maize yield compared to most plantation soils. The arable soils investigated were depleted of their fertility after the third crop harvest.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 7 van 18 gevonden artikelen
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