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  A new index of cation saturation state in soil
Titel: A new index of cation saturation state in soil
Auteur: Labuda, S.
Verschenen in: Communications in soil science and plant analysis
Paginering: Jaargang 24 (1993) nr. 13-14 pagina's 1603-1608
Jaar: 1993-08
Inhoud: Proposed is a new index for chemical properties of soil which designates the cation saturation state of soil colloids. It has the formula (K++ l/2Ca2++ 1/2Mg2+ + Na+)/H+. In a model experiment, three levels of soil moisture tension and four combinations of calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) were applied. These factors significantly affected the variation in the number of cations adsorbed, which allowed a comparison of the base saturation index and the cation saturation state index over a wide range of values. It was determined that a new index of cation saturation state might be useful in describing the chemical characteristics of a soil.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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