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  Effectiveness of three different zinc fertilizers and two methods of application for the control of “little-leaf' in peach trees in south texas
Titel: Effectiveness of three different zinc fertilizers and two methods of application for the control of “little-leaf' in peach trees in south texas
Auteur: Arce, Juan Pablo
Storey, J. Benton
Lyons, Calvin G.
Verschenen in: Communications in soil science and plant analysis
Paginering: Jaargang 23 (1992) nr. 15-16 pagina's 1945-1962
Jaar: 1992-09
Inhoud: Fall soil treatments of ZnEDTA and ZnSO4 at three increasing rates of 32.2, 64.4, and 128.8 g Zn/tree, and one, two, or three spring foliar treatments of NZN (0.35 g Zn/tree application) replicated four times in a randomized complete block design were tested to find the most effective Zn source, method and rate of application, and economical method for controlling Zn deficiency in three year old 'Earligrande' peach trees from 1989 to 1990. The Zn fertilizers had no statistical influence on the soil pH change. The high rates of ZnSO4, NZN, and ZnEDTA produced equal chlorophyll contents and had no statistical difference in tree appearance. Neither those trees which received three foliar applications of NZN nor those that received the high ZnEDTA soil treatment showed Zn-deficiency symptoms other than a few chlorotic leaves on top of the trees as a result of Zn being a non-mobile element. A fourth NZN application, or a delay in initiation of the three NZN spray schedule, would be necessary to compensate for lack of Zn late in the season. All soil applied fertilizers increased the Zn soil content. Zinc EDTA at 128.8 g Zn/tree significantly increased the foliar Zn and chlorophyll content of the treated trees. However, the use of ZnEDTA was not economical. The Control 2-treatment trees which represented the standard practice in the orchard, had to continuously produce new leaves to replace those lost to peach rust. As a result, these trees were more Zn deficient than the high ZnEDTA-treatement trees because Zn had to be continuously replaced while those trees with complete leaf compliments only had to obtain enough Zn for new terminal growth. Prevention of rust-induced defoliation showed the importance of maintaining healthy trees with a full leaf canopy throughout the entire growing season. Three applications of NZN at 0.35 g Zn/tree gave excellent tree response and was the most cost effective treatment.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 8 van 24 gevonden artikelen
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