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  Changes in bulk precipitation reactivity throughout the vegetation/soil continuum in a Trachpogon savanna (Venezuela)
Titel: Changes in bulk precipitation reactivity throughout the vegetation/soil continuum in a Trachpogon savanna (Venezuela)
Auteur: Montes, R.
Jose, J. J. San
Verschenen in: Communications in soil science and plant analysis
Paginering: Jaargang 23 (1992) nr. 15-16 pagina's 1753-1766
Jaar: 1992-09
Inhoud: The reactivity of bulk precipitation moving into the soil of a bush island Trachypogon savanna throughout a forest grove and the herbaceous layer was analyzed during four consecutive years. In the forest grove, there was a significant decrease of annual hydrogen (H+) content (meq/ha) of 44-75% as rainfall leached through the canopy, whereas the bulk throughfall pH in the grass layer was similar to the bulk precipitation pH. As throughfall passed throughout the soil profile of the grove, the H+ content decreased 87-70%. Results evidenced a buffering capacity of the system when bulk precipitation was acid during the last measured year. The savanna system retained 92-93% of H+ input from the bulk precipitation indicating that a redistribution of H+ ocurred instead of a net input or net loss. Canopy neutralization of bulk precipitation appears to take place in the grove canopy mainly by organic and bicarbonate salts.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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