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  Yield of alfalfa as influenced by levels of P and K fertilization
Titel: Yield of alfalfa as influenced by levels of P and K fertilization
Auteur: Smith, Dale
Powell, R. D.
Verschenen in: Communications in soil science and plant analysis
Paginering: Jaargang 10 (1979) nr. 3 pagina's 531-543
Jaar: 1979
Inhoud: This study was conducted to ascertain further the need for P and K fertilizers to obtain maximum herbage yields from alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Vernal alfalfa was established on a low K Piano silt loam (Typic Argiudoll) soil and topdressed with zero, 22.4, and 44.8 kg/ha of P in autumn of seeding year and with zero, 224, and 672 kg/ha of K as KC1 each autumn. The harvest schedule was three cuts annually at first flower; a schedule widely recommended in the North Lake states. No statistical significance was found for P levels nor for the P x K interaction; significance was found only for K levels. Maximum herbage yield was obtained with 224 kg/ha of K in the first harvest year, but with the 672 kg/ha of K rate in the second harvest year. Herbage K and Cl percentages and amounts removed from the soil increased significantly each year with each increase in K applied. Herbage P and N percentages were decreased significantly with the first increment of K. Residual herbage yields showed dramatically the influence of K fertilization on winter survival. All alfalfa stands with no K fertilization were killed completely. Residual yields and stands increased with each increase in K applied. Yield increase over the control was significant only with the second increment of K, while stands increased significantly with each increase in K applied. These data continue to confirm that high levels of soil K are needed for stand survival as well as for high herbage yields.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 12 van 12 gevonden artikelen
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