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  Effects of Compressibility and Heat Release in a High Speed Reacting Mixing Layer
Titel: Effects of Compressibility and Heat Release in a High Speed Reacting Mixing Layer
Auteur: Givi, P.
Madnia, C. K.
Steinberger, C. J.
Carpenter, M. H.
Drummond, J.P.
Verschenen in: Combustion science and technology
Paginering: Jaargang 78 (1991) nr. 1-3 pagina's 33-67
Jaar: 1991-07-01
Inhoud: Results are presented of direct numerical simulations of a two-dimensional temporally developing high speed mixing layer under the influence of a second-order non-equilibrium chemical reaction of the type A + B→ Products + Heat. Simulations arc performed with different magnitudes of the convective Mach number and with different chemical kinetics parameters for the purpose of examining the isolated effects of the compressibility and the heat released by the chemical reaction on the structure or the layer, A full compressible code is developed and utilized, so that the coupling between mixing and chemical reaction is captured in a realistic manner. The results of numerical experiments indicate that at the initial stages of the layers growth, the heat release results in a slight enhanced mixing, whereas at the intermediate and the final stages, it has a reverse influence. The effect of compressibility is the same in all stages of the development: increased compressibility results in a suppressed mixing and, thus, in a reduced reaction conversion rate. Mixing augmentation by heat release is due to expansion of the layer caused by the exothermicity, and mixing abation is caused by suppression of the growth of the instability modes due to increased heat release and/or compressibility. Calculations are performed with a constant rate kinetics model and an Arrhenius prototype, and the results are shown to be sensitive to the choice of the chemistry model. In the Arrhenius kinetics calculations, the increase of the temperature due to chemical reaction is substantially higher than that of the constant rate kinetics simulations. This results in a more pronounced response of the layer in all stages of the growth. i.e., an increased thickening of the layer at the initial phase of growth, followed by subdued thickening at later stages.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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