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  Inhibition of a Fuel Lean Ethylene/Air Flame in a Jet Stirred Combustor by Methyl Chloride: Experimental and Mechanistic Analyses
Titel: Inhibition of a Fuel Lean Ethylene/Air Flame in a Jet Stirred Combustor by Methyl Chloride: Experimental and Mechanistic Analyses
Auteur: Barat, R. B.
Sarofim, A. F.
Longwell, J. P.
Bozzell, J. W.
Verschenen in: Combustion science and technology
Paginering: Jaargang 74 (1990) nr. 1-6 pagina's 361-378
Jaar: 1990-11-01
Inhoud: Probability density functions (PDFs) of instantaneous temperature have been obtained for fuel lean C2 H4 /air burning in a toroidal jet stirred combustor (TJSC) using pulsed laser Rayleigh scattering. The PDFs provide a very sensitive measure of departures from perfectly stirred reactor (PSR) behavior, Narrow PDFs were obtained under stable operating conditions. As the mean combustion temperature was reduced or the reaction kinetics decelerated by the addition of CH3,C1, the PDFs exhibited a bimodal distribution indicative of localized blowout. Modeling of the reactions indicates that chlorine primarily destabilizes this hydrocarbon oxidation system by inhibiting the burnout of CO. This inhibition is affected through significant depletion of OH in the presence of relatively high levels of HC1 by the reaction OH + HC1 = H2O + CI. Inhibition is further affected by the termination reaction CI + HO2 + HCI + O2 because HO2 is a source of OH.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 15 van 24 gevonden artikelen
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