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                                       Details for article 3 of 9 found articles
  Heat Loss to the Interior of a Free Burning Vertical Wall and its Influence on Estimation of Effective Heat of Gasification
Title: Heat Loss to the Interior of a Free Burning Vertical Wall and its Influence on Estimation of Effective Heat of Gasification
Author: Kulkarni, A.K.
Kim, C.I.
Appeared in: Combustion science and technology
Paging: Volume 73 (1990) nr. 4-6 pages 493-504
Year: 1990-10-01
Contents: Conduction heat transfer into a vertical free burning slab was measured as a function of time and distance from the leading edge, and its contribution to the known values of effective heat of gasification was analyzed. The present set of experiments was performed using clear and black PMMA (polymethylmethacrylate) samples. The heat conduction into the pyrolyzing surface was deduced from temperature measurements in the interior of burning slabs. The surface conduction heat flux decreased from 14 kW/m2 for clear PMMA and 13kW/m for black PMMA at t = 300s to almost 8kW/m2 at around l = 1000s and then reached a plateau, indicating a substantial degree of unsteadiness in the early part of combustion of slabs. It is concluded that, when estimating burning rates in numerical calculations one has to be careful in selecting a value for the effective heat of gasification because of the generally unsteady nature of heat conduction into the solid interior.
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 3 of 9 found articles
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