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  Premixed Methane-Air Flame Spectra Measurements Using UV Raman Scattering
Titel: Premixed Methane-Air Flame Spectra Measurements Using UV Raman Scattering
Auteur: Stubington, J. F.
Fenton, H.
Verschenen in: Combustion science and technology
Paginering: Jaargang 37 (1984) nr. 5-6 pagina's 285-299
Jaar: 1984-06-01
Inhoud: The underfed combustion of dried bagasse in the forms of loose fibre, dense fibre, small pellets and large pellets has been investigated. The large pellets ignited rapidly on the surface and each pellet burnt slowly as an individual fuel lump, so that a bed depth greater than ∼700 mm would be necessary to reduce primary air to the stoichiometric rate. The other three forms exhibited the characteristic ignition and burn-out stages at low air rates. Their maximum combustion rates were ignition limited and decreased as the bulk density increased. Since the corresponding primary air flow rates were less than or equal to stoichiometric, their combustion at the maximum rate would be practicable. The ash from the small pellets fused into clinker, so they should only be fired, in existing bagasse boilers, as a supplement to wet bagasse at temperatures below the ash fusion temperature.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 5 van 6 gevonden artikelen
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