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  Measurements in and Modeling of a Black Liquor Recovery Boiler
Titel: Measurements in and Modeling of a Black Liquor Recovery Boiler
Auteur: Fontes, P.
Costa, M.
Azevedo, J. L. T.
Verschenen in: Combustion science and technology
Paginering: Jaargang 180 (2008) nr. 3 pagina's 494-508
Jaar: 2008-03
Inhoud: This article describes an experimental and numerical investigation of a black liquor recovery boiler from a pulp industry. Measurements are reported for major gas-phase species concentration and temperature in a representative horizontal plane across the furnace cross-section for different operating conditions. Overall, the experimental data reveal that the use of an interlaced secondary air distribution mode leads to important gradients from the back wall to the boiler nose, while the use of a rotational air distribution mode leads to more important differences between the left and right side of the furnace, in spite of the values being more uniform. A numerical model, previously available to simulate pulverized coal combustion, was adapted to simulate the combustion process of black liquor. The simulation of the droplets decomposition is based on empirical models from literature followed by the consideration of heterogeneous reactions for both the entrained droplets and the ones that fall on the smelt bed in the furnace. The numerical calculations show deviations in temperature lower than 100°C and predict the same patterns observed in the experiments, namely the temperature asymmetries. The operation of the present furnace with the use of interlaced secondary air distribution mode is favored as it leads to lower temperatures close to the superheaters and hence allow the particles to solidify earlier.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 7 van 10 gevonden artikelen
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