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  NOx-Reduction in Diesel Exhaust Gas with Urea and Selective Catalytic Reduction
Titel: NOx-Reduction in Diesel Exhaust Gas with Urea and Selective Catalytic Reduction
Auteur: Koebel, Manfred
Elsener, Martin
Marti, Thomas
Verschenen in: Combustion science and technology
Paginering: Jaargang 121 (1996) nr. 1-6 pagina's 85-102
Jaar: 1996-12-01
Inhoud: High values of NOx reduction may be obtained with urea as a reducing agent and a standard SCR catalyst based on TiO2-WO3-V2O5. The process was carefully investigated for possible secondary emissions and it could be shown that urea-SCR does not lead to relevant emissions of nitrogen dioxide, nitrous oxide, hydrogen cyanide and isocyanic acid. Further investigations using a HPLC method have also proved that addition compounds of higher molecular mass than urea (and urea itself) are not emitted in appreciable amounts as long as the process is properly managed, i.e., as long as the emission of ammonia is kept low. The limiting secondary emission is ammonia slip, the major problem when ammonia is used directly as a reducing agent.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 11 van 19 gevonden artikelen
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 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland