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  A Detailed Kinetic Study of Ammonia Oxidation
Titel: A Detailed Kinetic Study of Ammonia Oxidation
Auteur: Lindstedt, R. P.
Lockwood, F. C.
Selim, M. A.
Verschenen in: Combustion science and technology
Paginering: Jaargang 108 (1995) nr. 4-6 pagina's 231-254
Jaar: 1995
Inhoud: A comprehensive study of ammonia oxidation in laminar flames and Sow reactors using detailed chemical kinetic modelling is reported. A flat premixed NH3/NO flame and counterflow CO/O2/N2 and CH4/O2/N2 diffusion flames doped with ammonia have been studied along with NH3/NO/O2 and NH3/NO/O2/C2H6 flow reactors. Available kinetic data has been reviewed and a detailed reaction mechanism for the C/N system is proposed and results from computations are compared with experimental data. The destruction and formation of NO is found to be dominated by NH2, NH and N radicals in most of the cases studied. It is shown that the relative significance of the different NH, radicals in the various NO formation channels depends entirely on the flame conditions and that the role of the amidogen is crucial in nitric oxide reduction.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland