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  Affective Priming of Alcohol Schema in Coping and Enhancement Motivated Drinkers
Titel: Affective Priming of Alcohol Schema in Coping and Enhancement Motivated Drinkers
Auteur: Stewart, Sherry H.
Hall, Erin
Wilkie, Heather
Birch, Cheryl
Verschenen in: Cognitive behaviour therapy
Paginering: Jaargang 31 (2002) nr. 2 pagina's 68-80
Jaar: 2002-05-01
Inhoud: This study investigated whether Coping Motivated and Enhancement Motivated drinkers differ in their degree of semantic activation of alcohol concepts on a primed Stroop colour-naming task following exposure to negative and positive affect primes, respectively. Participants were 48 undergraduates (not necessarily problem drinkers) who had elevated scores on the Coping Motivated or Enhancement Motivated subscale of the Drinking Motives Questionnaire - Revised. The Stroop task involved negative, positive and neutral primes that preceded alcohol and no-alcohol target words. As hypothesized, Coping Motivated drinkers showed semantic activation of alcohol concepts following exposure to negative but not neutral primes. Also as hypothesized, Enhancement Motivated drinkers showed semantic activation of alcohol concepts following exposure to positive but not negative primes. Unexpectedly, semantic activation of alcohol concepts was also observed among Coping Motivated drinkers following positive primes and among Enhancement Motivated drinkers following neutral primes. Theoretical implications are discussed, as are implications for improving cognitive behavioral interventions for problem drinkers.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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