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  Incipient Forest Decline in the Province of Trento (Northern Italy). Preliminary Sem Observations and Consideration of Inorganic Components of Leaves and Roots
Titel: Incipient Forest Decline in the Province of Trento (Northern Italy). Preliminary Sem Observations and Consideration of Inorganic Components of Leaves and Roots
Auteur: Ferretti, Marco
Barbolani, Emilia
Grossoni, Paolo
Gellini, Romano
Pantani, Francesco
Verschenen in: Chemistry & ecology
Paginering: Jaargang 8 (1993) nr. 1 pagina's 1-10
Jaar: 1993-01-01
Inhoud: One year old needles of both healthy and damaged silver fir and Norway spruce from the area of Trento (Northern Italy) were observed by SEM. Needles of damaged trees show quite evident structural alterations of epidermis, expecially epicuticular waxes. Roots and needles of both fir and spruce are also tested for their metal content. Evidence is reported of an increasing concentration of Fe, Mg and Ca in roots of plants grown on alkali soil. Ca, and to a lesser extent Fe, Al and Pb, appears to be more present in old needles, whereas K and Mg exhibit higher amounts in young needles. Some indications are found between damage and the content of some metals such as Mg and Mn in needles.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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